Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Chapter 3: Technical

I used the coffee shop vintage effect, but i changed the settings a little. I took these images while i was on a bike ride in the hills above Los Gatos.

Chapter 3: Influential

Above is two shots by Michael Kenna. I like the simplicity of these photos and how the fog and the reflection make the photos seem very smooth. Below is my photo. I try to use the same elements as Kenna like the fog and the reflection. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Chapter 3: Self Reflective

I chose these images for my self reflection because I think these are two of my best shots yet. In the top image i am working on making a distinct focal point (the people). On the bottom image, I worked on composition and color (the shadows under the bridge).

Chapter 3: Thematic

Thursday, November 20, 2014

LG Photo Contest: Final 3

None of these pictures were in my rough draft. The middle photo is a new photo that i have never used before.